COM 102 - Essay Assignment #3
Writing from Essays

Fall 2001

In your third essay assignment, you will be asked to compare, contrast, and/or analyze two or more essays related to education (or selected aspects of two or more essays) that we have discussed in class. You will have to use summary, paraphrase, quotations, and APA citations and references correctly. Your final essay must be between 1,000 and 1,500 words long. In addition to prewriting, you will be required to hand in three drafts of this essay. The first draft will be peer edited. I will comment on the second draft without grading it. Only the third draft will be graded, but I will consider the entire process in the final grade. I will not accept late first or second drafts, and your final grade will be lowered by 10% each if you do not hand them in. Your first draft is due Saturday, December 1. Choose one of these two assignments:

  1. Write an essay in which you compare and/or contrast two or more reading selections that deal with the same or a similar subject.
  2. Write an essay in which you analyze the way two or more reading selections deal with the same or a similar subject.
Listed below are the essays you can choose from to write about in your essay. You may also use other sources in your essay, but only if you discuss them with me first and give me a photocopy of each source you plan to use that is not in our textbook.
"What True Education Should Do" (pp. 3-4)
"The Commencement Speech You'll Never Hear" (pp. 11-12)
"We Should Cherish Our Children's Right to Think" (pp. 125-127)
"Teach Knowledge, Not 'Mental Skills'" (pp. 128-129)
"The Farce Called 'Grading'" (pp. 130-134)
"Grades and Self-esteem" (pp. 135-137)
"College Pressures" (pp. 138-144)
"Is Creativity Suppressed by Knowledge?" (pp. 163-165)
Today in Class:

Freewrite about one or both of the two possible topics for your assignment. Write for at least 15 minutes or write at least two pages before you leave class today. Hand in your freewriting today. It will not be graded, of course, but I will check to make sure you hand it in, and I will read it.

Possible Essay Topics Suggested in Students' Freewriting:

COM 102 Essays