Click and Drag Poem1

Visit the following Web page: "Poetry [a click and drag diversion]"

You will find a box with a lot of individual English words. If you click on a word and hold down your mouse button, you can "drag" the word anywhere you want on the page. Play with the words. Arrange them into lines, phrases, and/or sentences to make a poem. Your finished poem should have at least five or six lines. (It can be longer if you want.) Arrange the words any way you like. You do not have to make complete sentences, and the lines do not have to rhyme. You might want to give your poem a title. When you are finished writing your poem, print it out. Then write answers to the following questions. Put your poem on top of this page, and staple the two pages together to hand in. This assignment is due in our next class.

1. About how long did you spend creating your poem?

2. Did you enjoy this assignment? Why or why not?

3. Are you satisfied with your poem? Why or why not?

4. If someone asked you to explain the meaning of your poem in a sentence or two, how would you answer?

Read my students' poems

Download this assignment as an MS Word File


  1. My students' click and drag poems are online here:
  2. If you try this assignment with your own students, I would appreciate it if you let me know whether or not it was successful or if you have any suggestions for improving it. You can contact me here: <>

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